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Single Implants - Implant Direct

12 CEUs - Hands-On, On-Demand

Single Implant Training Starter Package

This special offering, created in conjunction with Implant Direct, is designed to provide you and your clinic with the tools for a successful implementation of dental implants. Offered alongside the Single Implants hands-on surgical course is training on Verbal Skills for case acceptance and patient communication, Assistant Training that addresses verbal skills, operatory set-up, during-surgery tips and instructions for assistants, and Case Planning to ensure you know what to expect from each case.

The Single Implants course presents the implant workflow from start to finish, beginning with case planning and a narrated patient surgery, moving through hands-on surgical practice in both hard and complete tissue surgical models, and finishing up with restoration techniques and considerations. The course is fully immersive, providing you with hands-on surgical practice through a complete surgical kit, implants, and ConfiDental's proprietary surgical practice models that together provide unparalleled surgical replication.

By the end of the course, you will have placed 6x implants using several different hard tissue and soft tissue management techniques, from fully reflected to minimally invasive surgical processes.


Add Package to Cart $2,999


What's Included

Hands-on  Kit

1x ConfiDental Surgical Practice Models

1x Mini-surgical kit (If you'd like to upgrade to the full surgical kit, please contact us.)

3x Practice implants


On-Demand Course Content

  • Single Implants Course
  • Verbal Skills Course
  • Implant Assistant Training Course
  • Case Planning Course


All course content is available online and on-demand. CE credit is automatically provided at the successful conclusion of the course.

To prepare for the course content, we recommend viewing the surgical kit video and completing the case planning course.


This course will address the following learning objectives:

  1. Learn to perform a crestal incision with and without vertical release for longer-span reflection and visualization of the osseous crest."
  2. Learn and perform the mini-envelope flap technique for the maximization of keratinized tissue.
  3. Learn and perform the soft tissue punch technique for cases with adequate keratinized gingiva.
  4. Learn and perform the cortical perforation and osteotomy for posterior implants.
  5. Learn to manage the soft tissue for maximum healing immediately postoperatively via the use of appropriate healing caps and/or cover screws.

This course will address the following learning objectives:

  1. Three main reasons patients aren't saying yes to dental implants
  2. How to communicate with patients
  3. The financial impact of implants on your practice
  4. Three key marketing strategies

  • Getting Started
    1. Getting to know the patient
    2. Would they benefit from an implant?
    3. Obstacles!
  • Setting Up the Operatory
    1. Some tips!
    2. The patient set-up
    3. The patient set-up 2
    4. The hands-on set-up
    5. The hands-on set-up 2
      • Follow-Up
        1. The Procedure is Over
        2. Post Op discussions

This course will address the following learning objectives:

    Learn to assess the following considerations for each implant case:
    1. Medical Health
    2. Medical Imaging
    3. Bone Considerations
    4. Interarch Distance
    5. Soft Tissue
    6. Placement Type
    7. Implant Size
    8. Anesthetic
    9. Drill Plan
    10. Prosthetic Type
    11. Impression Type
    12. Procedure Sequence



All ConfiDental training is team-based and intended to be completed in your clinic. Training in the same environment as you intend to work provides invaluable mental, emotional, and physical learning benefits, and makes your training much more effective, and training as a team sets team sets your clinic up for success, so do this training with your assistant! 



This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE) through the joint program provider approval of ConfiDental, Inc. and Implant Direct. ConfiDental, Inc. is a Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit through 6/30/2024. Provider ID# 398553.